Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Open Inquiry?


wubby said...

I know, I know. Tiktaalik is 375 million y/o, not 300 million. I forgot to research (er, google) it better.

Karl Haro von Mogel said...

It's also not the ancestor of all fish, it's the ancestor of land-dwelling vertebrates. (Or it's relatives are) Still funny, though.

wubby said...

/slaps head: I knew I should have read more about it before I wrote the comic. I'm going to get torn to bits by PZ's readers. Well, that's what I get for being sloppy.

Sorry to all the Pharyngulites. (Pharyngulans?, Pharyngulettes?, I don't know!)

Engineer-Poet said...

I'm offended that the comic goes past the right margin, but you've arranged the HTML so that one cannot scroll to see it.

wubby said...

engineer-poet: Hmmm. I sized the comic to it's full size. The HTML is default stuff. I will see if I can fix it. I use a large-ish screen and high res, so I didn't see issue.

Redem said...

Right click on the image, copy the image location, and paste into browser address bar. Et voilà, full image for all your scrolling needs.

Or take it from the source code.

Or increase the resolution you view it at.

Nice comic, dude.

Monado said...

Cute. I bleeped right over the science "thinkos." They just go to show that science is corrigible. You can re-do it, right?

wubby said...

Fixed it

I want to thank those who pointed out my mistakes in the comic. It's how we learn. I thought I screwed only one think up, but I actually goofed kinda big (science-wise).

mezzobuff said...

I am putting this on my fridge! PZ is soooo cute in it!!

Jay McHue said...

Sorry, but is there actually an example of Stein saying the Earth is only 6000 years old, or is it just based on the belief that ID = Creationism = the Earth is only 6000 years old?

Humanistic Jones said...

Great stuff there. I still await the day that this happens in a debate verbatim. No more "Well if you look at the evidence and presuppose my conclusion is correct then the evidence shows that my conclusion is correct," just a nice clean "NOT LISTENING! LALALALA!"

wubby said...

jason: No, I don't think Ben S. is an Old Earth creationist. But remember, ID isn't about doing science, it's about destroying science. It's about sneaking religion into places it can't get access to on it's own merit. I am completely mis-characterizing Ben S. here, and I know it. The joke isn't that he doesn't understand, it's that he doesn't want to.

Anonymous said...

Actually, "Earth is 6,000 years old" is a Young Earth Creationist belief, not an Old Earth Creationist belief. Still, fantastic comic.

The PZ effect of massive blog hits can fluster anyone... you are forgiven this once. :-)

Anonymous said...

And fuck the guy who told you to screw with your HTML to make it more readable for him. Dude, it's 200-fucking-8! Get a bigger monitor! In fact, get two and dual-monitor that shit!

Michelle Beissel said...

Great artwork.

wubby said...

michelle: thank you, but I can't take any of the credit for the artwork. I'm using the comic creating site I only pose them and write the dialog.

rev reed braden: thanks for the pass. I will try to do better next time. :)

sandswipe said...

Ben Stein is against evolution. Evolution is a theory that all scientifically minded people, as well as old Earth creationists (Catholics and smart protestants) do not argue.

Logically, he is either a young Earth Creationist, supportive of a theory that I have never heard of (aliens?), or a tool.

I'm going to go with A and C.

Warren Beare said...

This is hilarious and i doubt you will be short of material.

Please keep them coming

Anonymous said...

Thanks wubby. You inspired this comic about the brilliant future of science education in Florida. Without having to be so darn fussy about the exact value of pi and other wacky scientific nuisances, we can run the space program a heck of a lot cheaper, probably save billions, which could be better spent on some faith based programs, or there might even be enough for a down payment on starting a new war.

Vío said...

jajaja! excelent example!
i'll read all this blog although it´s not easy for me, i'm spanish and the traductor online is a bit clumsy. But it's worth the trouble, i think
I'll come back!

Vío said...

i wrote a post but it dissapeared...
I really enjoyed what i've seen until now from this blog, i'm spanish but i'll try to read it whole although it's in english. I studied english, but it's sth like with animals, they teach you things and such things are not enough in the real world... I had good marks but people uses a lot of expresions that i never read in school's books. Just that english isn't a church's issue, while the evolution is so.

Buf, i have just done a great effort to write it!